Pine-Sol is safe to use on the wood floor but not on unfinished, worn out, oily, or unpainted. In 2020, the US EPA approved that pine-sol cleaner could kill COVID on frequently used hardwood floors.
However, you should dilute the solution by adding ¼ cup of Pine-Sol to about a gallon of water to maintain the floor’s durability.
However, using a damp cloth/mop or leaving the solution droplets on the wood floor will create trouble.
Keep reading for a detailed cleaning guide for using pine-sol on hardwood floors.
🤔Is Pine-Sol Good for Cleaning Wood?

Pine-sol is safe for cleaning solid wood floors if you use it in tiny diluted amounts (i.e., ¼ cup in 1 gallon of water) and sweep or vacuum first.
🧹 Dry mopping is best for wood flooring because water is the wood’s enemy. When moisture stands on the wooden floor for a long time, it depletes its structural integrity and shine and can form mold.
So, dry mopping hardwood floors and absorbing spilled liquid or excess moisture immediately with towels or a sponge is advisable.
👨🏫 Does Pine-Sol Damage Hardwood Floors? Look at the Ingredient List!
Have a look at the ingredients of pine-sol:
None of the Pine-Sol ingredients are harmful to use on wood floors in small amounts. In fact, isopropyl alcohol is best for wood floors, as it dries up quickly.
Similarly, pine oil disinfectant is useful for cleaning bathrooms, kitchen countertops, dirt, and tough stains from floors. It acts as an air freshener, leaving a pine scent.
Direct application of ammonia, alkaline products, or harsh cleaners leaves an abrasive or dull finish; luckily, none are present in Pine-Sol.
Also Read: How To Restore Hardwood Floors After Removing Carpet
💢 Precautions for Using Pine-Sol on Floors
✅ How To Mop Floor with pine-sol: Step-By-Step

Follow this step-by-step guide to mop the hardwood floor with pine-sol:
Also Read: 3 Ways To Dump Mop Water Correctly
🙌 Tips to Keep in Mind
💁What Can I Use Instead of Pine-Sol for Mopping?

Reportedly, people find pine-sol acidic, as the concentrated pine-sol can rip off carpets.
(Therefore, we advised you to dilute pine-sol first)
However, you might be interested in knowing about neutral solutions such as Bona, Murphy Wood Cleaner, and Homemade Cleaner than pine-sol for mopping, so here’s the list:
👀 FYI:
On October 25, 2022, Clorox recalled Pine-Sol Scented Multi-Surface Cleaners and a couple of other pine-sol cleaners for having Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a bacteria that can cause serious infections in people with low immunity.
💡Can You Use Pine Sol On Wood Floors FAQs
What should you not use Pine-Sol on?
You should avoid using Pine-Sol on:
1. Oily, unfinished, unpainted, unsealed, and waxed floors
2. Marble and metal surfaces
3. Pets as a shampoo
4. Dirty dishes
Do you have to rinse pine-sol off floors?
If you use a dilute Pine-Sol solution, you need not rinse it off the floors unless you are using it for harsh stains.
Can you use pine-sol on laminate wood floors?
Yes. It is safe to use pine-sol on laminate wood floors. Pine-sol will remove stains, dirt, and scratches if used in the right concentrations, leaving a sparkling laminate floor.
Can you use pine-sol on wood tables?
Pine-sol can be used as a cleanser and disinfectant for wood tables. Add ¼ cup of Pine-Sol per gallon of water, dip the cloth or damp sponge, and wipe off the wooden table. Scrub harsh stains with pine-sol and rinse them off with water.
Can you use pine-sol on engineered hardwood floors?
You can safely use pine-sol on engineered hardwood floors as they’re more durable than wooden floors. So, the pine-sol works perfectly on them without causing scratches, dents, abrasions, and water pooling.