Affiliate Disclosure For Clean Homies

Like our homes, we want the content we see on the web to be clean, information to be authentic, and recommendations to be unbiased. 

That’s why we at Clean Homies say a big no to shady sponsorships.

But how to cover the expenses of research and content production?

Here’s where affiliate links come into play.

Affiliate links help us remain independent of shady sponsorships and allow you, as readers, to support our effort without any extra cost. 

Confused? Let me explain:

Some of the links on our website are special. If you buy any product from them, we may get a small commission at no extra cost to you.

So no additional expense on your side, and still, you supported our content!

Be assured that we do not recommend products based on how much commission we might get. Instead, they are picked based on their quality and affordability. 

Thanks for reading this disclosure here. If you have questions, email us at [email protected], and we will reply within 48 hours. Promise!

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