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3 Quietest Robot Vacuum: Tested & Reviewed (2024)

If you are looking for a quiet robot vacuum that goes unnoticed while running, we have you covered!

We considered vacuums that performed well on self-emptying, navigation, and pet hair removal, so you should read this list of the 3 quietest robot vacuums of 2024!

🔈Which Robotic Vacuum Is the Quietest? – A Smart Preview

  • Quietest Robot Vacuum Cleaner 2024

    Eufy Robovac 11S

      Noise Level: 55 dB
      Floor Type: Low to medium pile carpets, Hardwood, Laminated and Tile floors
      Suction Power: 1300 Pa
      Pet Hair Removal: Average
      Battery Life: 100 mins on Full Charge
  • Silent Robot Vacuum Cleaner
    ECOVACS Deebot N8 Pro+

    ECOVACS Deebot N8 Pro+

      Noise Level: 67 dB
      Floor Type: Hardwood and low-pile carpets
      Suction Power: 2600 Pa
      Pet Hair Removal: Average
      Battery Life: 110 mins on Full Charge
  • Quietest Robot Vacuum For Pet Hair
    Roborock S7+

    Roborock S7+

      Noise Level: 59 dB
      Floor Type: Hardwood and carpet
      Suction Power: 2500 Pa
      Pet Hair Removal: Excellent
      Battery Life: 100 mins on Full Charge
How We Test Vacuums At Clean Homies

👌Quietest Self-Emptying Robot Vacuum: Detailed Reviews

👉Robot Vacuum Decibel Comparison

Robot VacNoise Level (in dBA)Noise Level of Normal Conversion Threshold of Hearing Loss Damage [1]Noise Level of the Average Vacuum [2]
Eufy RoboVac 11S556070-8075
ECOVACS Deebot N8 Pro+576070-8075
Roborock S7+596070-8075

1️⃣Quietest Robot Vacuum 2024: Eufy 11S

eufy 11s

The Eufy 11S robot vacuum cleaner cleans so quietly! If you don’t like noisy robotic vacuums, this vacuum might be the perfect fit for you.

Anker makes Eufy 11S, which has been in the market for a while now. The vacuum has a solid reputation in the market and is surely the ‘Top of the Line’ affordable robot vacuum cleaner.

The vacuum comes with a remote, and operating it with a remote control is very useful. It works best on hardwood floors and can manage cleaning a small pile of carpets. In our testing, it was the quietest vacuum of the lot, and its cleaning performance was excellent.


  • Very quiet operation
  • Great suction power 
  • Good battery life
  • Useful remote controls


  • Average sized bin
  • Bounce navigation is not very efficient
  • Noise Level: Noise The vacuum cleaner’s noise level is nothing like other robot vacuums. It’s really quiet! The noise level in dBA is just 57, the lowest on our list. In low-power mode, the noise is very less disturbing. As for the high power mode, it is just below the 70 dB range, so that is fine as well!
  • Suction Power: The suction power of the robot vacuum cleaner is 1300Pa, which is brilliant considering the price. We were initially surprised because it could quickly clean up all the dirt and debris. It works really well on hardwood floors. The vacuum has a really good pick-up for the debris even on carpet for this budget. In addition, the airflow is one of the best in the price range. So the vacuum has excellent cleaning power overall.
  • Self-emptying:  No, the Eufy 11S robot vacuum is not self-emptying. You have to empty the bin manually. The bin size is 0.6 liters, which is average.
  • Navigation: One of the best things about the vacuum is how slim it is. This allows it to navigate under furniture and tight spaces and clean them thoroughly. As for its navigation system, it works well in avoiding edges and obstacles. It uses bounce navigation, so it does not store a map. It makes its way around the house for cleaning by detecting walls and hurdles using Infrared sensors. So, it is one of those random path-cleaning robotic vacuums.
  • Warranty & Customer Support: You get a 1-year warranty from the manufacturer for this vacuum. As for the customer support, it is okayish.

Other Features:

  • The Eufy RoboVac 11S offers a decent runtime of about 100 mins on low power mode. But on high power, the runtime goes down to just 40-45 mins. But with its BoostIQ technology, on BoostIQ power setting, it optimizes the battery and suction power in a balanced manner.
  • It runs on low power on the floor and automatically switches to high power when a carpet comes.
  • Its drop-sensing technology also works well in avoiding falling down the stairs. It can also climb over door ledges using its wheels.


If you have hardwood floor cleaning needs and have fewer requirements for pet hair removal, the Eufy Robot vacuum cleaner is a fine choice!

2️⃣Silent Robot Vacuum Cleaner: Deebot N8 Pro+

Deebot N8 Pro+
Deebot N8 Pro+

The Deebot N8 Pro+ robot vacuum cleaner boasts advanced technology and smart features like a self-emptying station and laser scanning navigation (LiDAR system).

The vacuum cleaner’s design is elegant, the build is solid and it weighs less than 4 pounds when empty. The battery is of 3200 mAh. The vacuum comes with:

  • 2 side brushes
  • 2 auto-empty station bags
  • a washable mopping pad
  • 10 disposable mopping pads

The major highlight is its Laser-based sensor technology which worked really well in detecting any obstacles and objects, as well as mapping.
In addition, the vacuum has different modes that you can select, like mop mode and vacuum mode, along with different suction power settings.

Another thing that must get mentioned is that the vacuum can do both – vacuuming and mopping. For the mopping part, it has got a water tank that you have to fill.


  • Quiet operation
  • Self-emptying dustbin
  • Good suction power
  • Smart technology


  • Average customer support
  • Sometimes navigation problems
  • Noise Level: The vacuum produces minimal noise, approximately equal to our first pick on this list, the Eufy 11S. In decibel levels, it can operate at 57 dB.  Though on different power levels, the noise levels are also different.
  • Suction Power: The suction power of this vacuum cleaner is great. It can operate at 2600 Pa, enough to clean hard floors as well as carpets.
  • Self-emptying: Another cool feature of this vacuum cleaner is its self-emptying feature. It empties all the dust it has collected at the docking station that comes with it. However, you should know that while self-emptying, it does produce noise. The docking station’s dust bag offers a good capacity of 30 full bins, so it would take about 60 days to fill it completely on average usage.
  • Navigation: The vacuum has got a 360-degree LiDAR scanner called TrueMapping, which gets more coverage while mapping, including very low-height objects. On the navigation part, the vacuum does pretty well. The vacuum offers app connectivity so that you can do advanced settings like schedule cleaning and map editing there. The vacuum also supports multi-floor smart mapping so that you can use it on multiple floors. Once it had done the mapping the first time, we were impressed that it got around the house cleaning schedules quickly. You can schedule the vacuum cleaner so you have routine cleaning habits at your disposal.
  • Warranty & Customer Support: The vacuum comes with a 1-year warranty from the manufacturer that covers the basic defects of the vacuum cleaner. However, as for its customer support, it is average.

Other Features:

  • The vacuum’s advanced TrueDetect laser-based 3D Technology is more efficient than regular laser vacuum sensors. The vacuum can detect carpets, and when in mop mode it avoids carpets. But in vacuum mode, it also climbs on the carpet for cleaning.
  • You can also mark no-go zones on maps in its application and the vacuum does not clean these ‘no-go zones.’ It is also compatible with Amazon Echo.
  • The vacuum also has an automatic recharge feature, where it goes to the docking station when its battery is low and after recharging, resumes the cleaning session.
  • The vacuum has an electric water pump and you can change the water flow pressure using the app for mopping.


If you have the budget, the Ecovacs Deebot N8 Pro+ is good for cleaning hardwood floors and carpets. Its smart features are innovative and useful.


If you have the budget, the Ecovacs Deebot N8 Pro+ is good for cleaning hardwood floors and carpets. Its smart features are innovative and useful.

3️⃣Quietest Robot Vacuum For Pet Hair: Roborock S7+

Roborock S7+
Roborock S7+

The Roborock S7+ robot vacuum cleaner is a high-end vacuum robot that offers advanced features. 

There is the LiDAR navigation technology, the multi-floor mapping system, etc. The smart technology it uses to move around is quite impressive.

The vacuum operates quietly and can mop as well. The mopping results were quite impressive, so a thumbs up there!

The vacuum works great for removing pet hair. We were honestly not expecting it to be so efficient at it that it hardly got hair tangles. So, pet owners surely can consider this vacuum. It can satisfactorily clean high-pile carpets and medium-pile carpets. You can also select no-go zones on its app, and it will avoid those.

It is really one of the best robot vacuum cleaners out there!


  • Highly advanced sensors
  • Great suction power
  • Good for pet hair
  • Multi-floor mapping
  • Great mopping feature


  • Expensive
  • Mopping lesser effective than traditional mopping
  • Noise Level: The noise level produced by this vacuum cleaner is about 59 dB. This is pretty good for a robot vacuum cleaner. There are different noise levels for the different modes it offers. Out of all, the highest suction power mode is the one that produces the most noise. Still, it is not as irritating.
  • Suction Power: The vacuum has got a really good suction power of 2500Pa. So it can pick up dirt and debris very easily. Not to mention that it has power modes as well, so you can manage it as per your requirement.
  • Self-emptying: The vacuum has a docking station, which can empty the dust and debris it collects. The bin has good capacity and can last an average user for 6-8 weeks before emptying.
  • Navigation: The navigation system was the one that was the most impressive of all. The vacuum uses a LiDAR navigation system to move around and clean. Not just that, the vacuum also has other smart sensors that allow it to move efficiently. In our testing, the vacuum navigated brilliantly. The vacuum also has multi-floor mapping so that you can map several floors simultaneously. You can also manage the cleaning area on its app, which allows you to be more specific about which places to clean. This lets the vacuum clean quite efficiently in less time!
  • Warranty & Customer Support: The vacuum comes with a 1-year warranty from the manufacturer for build and design defects. As for customer support, they’re okayish, like other options on the list.


The Roborock S7+ can clean stubborn dirt from bare floors. It also has a mop cleaner, app control features, and enough battery to clean an entire house. So, being expensive, it also provides value.

🤔What Specs Should I Look For in a Quiet Robot Vacuum?

To purchase a quiet vacuum cleaner robot smartly, you should consider some major factors. Therefore, we also used these factors to develop this list:

  • Decibel level: This is a key factor for buying a quiet robot vacuum. Decibels are the unit for measuring noise level, so you should go for a robot vacuum with a less decibel level of noise.
  • Filtration system: You should look for a vacuum with a good filtration system. A more efficient filtration results in better cleaning and lesser noise.
  • Navigation system: Modern technology navigation systems use lasers or cameras to navigate and clean the house. Robot vacuum with such a navigation system is generally quieter while operating.
  • Cleaning modes: Choose a robot vacuum with different cleaning modes as it widens its range of use and makes it more efficient. Many robot vacuums nowadays have maximum suction power/ high-power modes to vacuum carpets.
  • Surface-type: Robot vacs generally clean hardwood floors and very low-pile carpets. But if your range of usage also involves different surfaces, ensure the vacuum has features to support your cleaning needs, as not all robot vacuums can do so.
  • Cleaning Performance: Always look for high cleaning efficiency. The vacuums included in this list have proved their cleaning capabilities in our testing. Generally, robot vacuums lack behind at deep cleaning, so you must consider this factor.
Also Read: How To Clean Sticky Hardwood Floors

📝Noiseless Robot Vacuum Maintenance Tips!

Quiet Robot vacuum cleaners are very useful products, so maintain yours properly. Here are some tips you need to know:

  • The brush roll of the robot vacs should be cleaned regularly. They are prone to getting tangles of hair and such.
  • Empty the bin of the vacuum after every cleaning session. This is because robot vacuums do not have a large bin. (This is of no concern in self-emptying vacuum cleaners.)
  • Check the wheels and sensors of the vacuum frequently. The wheels and sensors can also get clogged with hair and debris, affecting navigation and increasing noise levels. Make sure to clean these areas regularly.
  • Battery health is also something you need to be aware of in general. Robot vacuums can get to a point where you will have to replace the battery (this mostly happens after 1-2 years).
  • Clean the filters regularly, as the filters on a small vacuum can get dirtier quickly. If it requires washing, make sure the filter is washable first.
  • Regularly maintain your vacuum at least once a week to keep its sensors and motor working in tip-top condition.
Also Read: Best German Vacuum Brands

💡Quietest Robot Vacuum: FAQs

Why are robot vacuums so loud?

Robot vacuums can be loud because of the motor and the brush systems. Also, the navigation system can increase the noise (if the vacuum keeps bouncing off the hurdles).

But you should know that all in all, robot vacuums are mostly quieter than traditional vacuum cleaners.

How many decibels are robot vacuums?

The average decibel range of robot vacuums is 60-70 dB. Therefore, their noise can be frustrating and irritating to the ears. However, these days quieter robot vacuums are also introduced in the market in the 50-60 dB range, as discussed in this article.

Is it bad to run the robot vacuum every day?

Because robot vacuum cleaners do not have as much power as traditional vacuums, it is alright to use them daily. But you should always consider the foot traffic. If the foot traffic is too much, more frequent runs are required. If not, use it when vacuuming is needed.

Are robot mops safe for hardwood floors?

Yes, it is safe to use robot mops on hardwood floorings. First, however, you should consider a few facts:

The first is that there are robot mops that keep cleaning unless you switch them off. For these, you should never let them keep running even after cleaning is done.

Secondly, we do not recommend allowing a robot mop clean tough stains as it does not have enough power and can do more harm than good.

Does Roomba have a quiet mode?

Yes, there are Roomba vacuum models that have a quiet vacuum cleaner mode. In this mode, the vacuum cleans with lesser noise, mostly by eliminating some of its functions. For example, it can stop moving the brush roller, and only side brushes rotate.

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